Monday, October 28, 2013

p90x day 83

Ahhh...last week of p90x.  I know I haven't blogged much.  It is definitely a commitment (p90x), but I am so happy I did it- I am stronger, I have lost a pants size, my stomach is flatter, my thighs are toned, and I love my arms.  There were definitely points where I didn't want to do it (lol like yesterday's Core Synergistics workout- so hard, my core is sore today), but at the end of the day , it is a great fitness program.
Are you interested in learning more?  Can you be Xtreme?  Message me or email with any questions about

Go hard or go home!

next challenge

I'm starting a new challenge group on NOvember 4th.  I would love for anyone who needs help losing weight or get to join me.  This is a 30 day challenge - you will receive a free diet and weight loss support from me and the group will provide you with accountability for reaching your goal. 
Don't let holiday weight gain creep up on proactive.  Email me for more info
or call 203444-9789