Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday's tips

Today's tip is all about motivation.  I get questions all the time...how do you work out so much?  What makes you do it?  "I'm not motivated " is a common complaint. 

I won't lie and say I started this journey being motivated.  When I first started exercising I was over 300 lbs and it was hard.  Really hard.  I got tired easily and everything hurt.  I joined a local gym, and I received one of the best pieces of advice I'd ever heard.  The guy who signed me up said , "When you don't feel like coming, come in here for 10 minutes.  If you really want to go after 10 minutes, go.  But I bet you'll end up staying most times. "

He was right.  That's my tip for today.  Get yourself ready to exercise.  Get out your calendar and plan out the week- when will you exercise ? What days, what times? What will you do?

Then get yourself ready.  Going early in the am? Set out your clothes the night before.

Going after work? Pack the gym bag and put it in your car.

Tomorrow I have to work out in the early am.  This is my choice on Wednesdays...we have a staff meeting after work, and I know I'll never do it after work. Clothes are laid out, banana on counter to eat before I walk out the door. No excuses !

Try it.....let me know if this gets you to exercise!

Today's diet:
Wheat bagel with jam, egg white omelette
Snack: banana, small box of craisins
Lunch: tofu and potato
Snack: blueberries
Dinner: chocolate shakeology made with almond milk

today' workout: body beast cardio and body beast abs


Monday, May 5, 2014

ahhhh-computer problems

ahhhh- so no internet most of last week kept me away from my blog -booo!

So this week's challenge is coming a  week late- but it's a good one.

Write your wellness statement and repeat it every day...a statement that tells where you are right now with health and fitness and where you want to be... here's mine:).

I am not yet where I want to be with my weight , but I will be.  I know I can do this.  Clean eating and exercise will get me to my goal. I am a powerful, strong woman.

Getting in shape is largely mental- form your wellness statement / mantra, repeat daily (or several times daily) until you start to believe it.
Get motivated- get it done!

Today's workout: body beast bulk arms, 30 min arc trainer, 20 sit ups, 20 reverse crunches

Today's diet
egg whites with spinach, wheat toast with jam
snack: 15 raw almonds , green apple
lunch- baked chicken , roasted root vegetables
snack- red and yellow peppers, hummus
dinner: chocolate shakeology with peanut butter and a banana