Saturday, June 8, 2013


So I'm known as the vitamin queen...I take lots of vitamins and supplements (all known and approved by my doctor).  I will say (and knock on wood with this) that since I've started eating better , exercising, and taking supplements I haven't been sick in three years (besides things given to me by students lol i.e. pinkeye and seasonal allergies).  It is definitely the combination of the 3 that keeps me healthy, but I wanted to share some supplments you might want to try. If your body is deficient in a vitamin or mineral you may feel hungry to make up for it, so always check vitamin levels at your annual physical (your doctor does this when taking your blood), but here are some hints.
-vitamin C- It helps your immune system be strong and is water soluble (that means if your body has too much , you pee it out:).
-fish oil pills- great for helping with cholesterol
-Vitamin B12- I'm deficient in this and have to take it. You may or may  not need a doctor said people are often deficient in it.
-Glucosamine /chrondroitin- I started using this during marathon training....helps with joint health.
-CLA-I used to date a bodybuilder and he put me on to this supplement, which helps reduce belly fat.  I never go a day without CLA:).
calcium-I take an extra calcium supplement. Women particularly need this for strong bones as well as people over 50.

-Did you know that you can get a lot of the vitamins and minerals you need from Shakeology?  Many of your daily values of vitamins and minerals are in this meal replacement shake and superfood.  Message me or email for details.

*** as always, check with your doctor about supplements , but these have helped me.

Today's exercise:
zumba, 1 hour of body combat
Today's diet: wheat
Toast with natural peanut butter, egg white omelette with tomato
Snack: banan
Lunch: sautéed navy beans with spinach and kale
Dinner: strawberry shakeology with blueberries

WEEKLY MEASUREMENT TOTALS: This week: 0.5 in off hips, 1 in off waist, 0.4 in off each thigh , 0.6 off shoulders, 1 inch off chest
15.6 inches lost in 6 weeks:)

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